Although by their very nature underground structures have little
impact on the environment, their realization nonetheless requires precautions to be taken
to reduce or avoid possible nuisances due to the removal of spoil, the disposal of water
on the surface, disturbances and noises from the work-site.
Once the construction work underground is
finished it will no longer be a source of nuisances. Noise produced in the underground
installations cannot be heard on the surface.
5.1 Spoil
5.1.1 General
The CNGS work-site will generate both
natural spoil and wastes from the demolition of existing structures and work on the site
itself. Three kinds of natural spoil will be produced: topsoil, which will be stored and
re-used; unconsolidated material of the moraine types; and above all molasse. The two
latter types of will be stockpiled.
The work of connecting up to existing
underground structures will also give rise to the demolition of concrete structures. These
will be dealt with in a manner that will respect the environment.
5.1.2 Spoil
The CNGS project will generate a volume of
700 m3 of excavated moraine and 66 000 m3 of molasse, assuming a
swell factor of 1.5.
Spoil is being stockpiled in accordance
with the principles applied to that originating from the LHC, i.e. by avoiding passing
through built-up areas. Discussions are under way with the Prévessin-Moëns municipal
authority, to increase the capacity of the Bois-des-Serves storage site established to
meet the needs of the LHC.
5.2 Waste disposal
5.2.1 Concrete
It is planned to break up the concrete
wastes from demolition work and separate out the reinforcement so as to obtain material
that can be re-used. The volume of waste from the CNGS project will be limited to 18 m3,
which will come from connections to the existing structures.
5.2.2 Other site
Selective waste depositories are located on
site; sorting and recovery will be made by category (drainage oil, plastics, packaging,
metals, etc.) and processed appropriately. |