


End of CNGS run


8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG

Installation of Decay Tube started 18 November 2003

The first 18 metre long section of the decay tube has been installed and concreted. This operation, taking place at the transition of the decay tunnel and the hadron stop chamber, was completed on 18 November 2003.

This first section of the decay tube was welded from three 6 metre long sleeves in the workshop in TCC4, the CNGS target chamber. Since the end of the decay tube will be closed of with the exit flange once the full tube is installed, the last piece of tube is equipped with a transition section, which was also welded onto the tube in TCC4.

Installation of the decay tube is now expected to continue in a regular rythm: 6 metre long sleeves are lowered into the access gallery through the provisional civil engineering shaft and transported to the target chamber. Assembly into 18 metre long section and checking of welds should take place in TCC4. Sections of 18 metres are welded together in the decay tunnel, and concrete is poured around the tube as it is constructed from bottom to top. 

100-2526U4AD.jpg (1527235 bytes) 100-2564U4AD.jpg (1368469 bytes)

decay_171103_2.jpg (170207 bytes)                  decay_Nov03_2.jpg (85241 bytes)
Workshop in the target chamber - assembly of the 18 metre long decay tube sections

decay_171103_3.jpg (151198 bytes) First (most downstream) section of decay tube at its destination, before concreting

decay_171103_1.jpg (217753 bytes) Additional sleeves on the work-site