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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG

MBG pre-series magnets arrived at CERN

(collaboration between BINP, CERN and DESY)

On 10th January 2003, the first two MBG deflection magnets for the CNGS TT41 proton beam line have arrived at CERN from BINP in Novosibirsk. Measurements at BINP have shown that the magnet parameters and the measured field are well within the specified quality. Further tests will soon start at CERN.

A total of 73 such MBG magnets will be needed for the TT41 line. Production is expected to be completed by the end of 2003. In parallel, the production of the QTG quadrupoles is also progressing. The design of the MDG steering elements has started.

K. Schirm has kindly provided some photographs illustrating the various stages of the MBG production in Russia.