


End of CNGS run


8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG

Progress of works for general infrastructureNovember / December 2004

Following the completion of the main civil engineering works and some additions to the underground structures (trenches, holes for air-cooling ducts, etc.), the works for the infrastructure (air handling, water cooling, electrical installation) started in July 2004. The pictures below intend to illustrate some of the progress made since then. (Photos: S. Lebrun, M. Wilhelmsson, K. Elsener)

Details on TT41-TCC4 pipework









 Access Gallery TAG41, test section










 Access Gallery TAG41, 17 Dec. 2004








 Access Gallery TAG41, 17 Dec. 2004








 Ventilation chamber TCV4, 17 Nov. 2004








 Arrival of metallic structure outside BHA4








 Ventilation chamber TCV4, 26 Nov. 04







 Proton beam tunnel TT41, view downstream 

 (see details of demineralised water pipes)








 Proton beam tunnel TT41, view upstream








 Proton beam tunnel TT41, 17 Dec. 2004








 Target chamber TCC4








 Target chamber, air-cooling ducts








 Service gallery TSG4, air cooling unit







Service gallery TSG4, main duct for air to      TCC4 in the centre, air cooling units to the right of the tunnel







Special ducts, stored in ventilation chamber,  17 Dec. 2004