


End of CNGS run


8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG
Horn-1 installation (test-horn) November 2005







2 November 2005: arrival of the horn from the assembly lab to the BHA4 surface building








2 November 2005: Horn unloading








2 November 2005: Horn stored in the surface building BHA4 - with the DBS transport team










3 November 2005: Horn being lowered onto the transport vehicle










3 November 2005: Horn being lowered onto the transport vehicle








3 November 2005: Horn arrives in the target chamber








3 November 2005: Horn transport with the crane in the target chamber








3 November 2005: Horn transport with the crane in the target chamber







4 November 2005: Horn installed (view through the target station shielding, before the installation of the target station collimator and the target magazine)










10 November 2005: Provisional installation of the first stripline segment near the horn










22 November 2005: Horn stripline in the trench and the side gallery (seen from target chamber)








25 November 2005: Horn and stripline installation completed








25 November 2005: Horn striplines support table (near the horn)








25 November 2005: Horn striplines as seen from the service gallery








10 November 2005: Test of transport and installation vehicle for the horn transformer










7 December 2005: Horn transformer transport








7 December 2005: Horn transformer installed