


End of CNGS run


8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG
TCC4 Target Chamber Installations July - October 2005







13 July 2005: first element of Helium Tank No.2 (and decay tube)








13 July 2005








15 July 2005: shielding base for collimator downstream of horn







15 July 2005: shielding base for collimator downstream of horn, first support of Helium Tank No. 1








19 July 2005: Helium Tank installation










19 July 2005: Helium Tank installation








19 July 2005: Helium Tank installation








19 July 2005: Arrival of the next Helium Tank element







20 July 2005: inside Helium Tank No. 1







20 July 2005: Installation of the last element of a Helium Tank







20 July 2005: Installation of the last element of a Helium Tank








16 August 2005: Shielding of first Helium Tank








16 August 2005: Shielding in the horn region








16 August 2005: Shielding in the reflector region (view in beam direction)








19 August 2005: Shielding in horn and collimator region (upstream of Helium Tank 1)








19 August 2005: Helium Tank No. 1 with shielding walls








19 August 2005: Shielding around Helium Tank No. 2 is complete







18 October 2005: Installation of iron shielding ("collimator") around the first part of Helium Tank No. 1








20 October 2005: Collimator downstream of the horn is completed