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8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG
Reflector assembly and tests August - November 2005
(see also the slides describing the "glass-ring story")  







23 August 2005: frame for reflector (horn-1 in the background)








30 August 2005: Reflector assembly starts








30 August 2005: Reflector assembly








30 August 2005: Reflector assembly










20 September 2005: inside the reflector (one spider holding the inner conductor in place)








26 September 2005: K. Tanaka visits the horn / reflector assembly lab








20 September 2005: Cutting the glass rings from a plate (water-sand jet)








20 September 2005: Cutting the glass rings from a plate - removing the ring










October 2005: GRAFOIL seal cut from plate








Assembly of the GRAFOIL seal for the reflector








Assembly of the GRAFOIL seal for the reflector








Assembly of the GRAFOIL seal for the reflector








Glass-ring placed on GRAFOIL seal








Glass-ring placed on GRAFOIL seal










Glass-ring placed on GRAFOIL seal








Fixing ARCLEX insulators in place








Quality control








Spacers made one by one "to fit"







Controlling the pressure with BELLEVILLE washers (in the final configuration, 6 of these were used)










Installing the assembled "sandwich" at the reflector exit side (connection of striplines)










Installing the assembled "sandwich" at the reflector exit side (connection of striplines)








Reflector connection side: ready







Reflector beam-entrance side (short-circuit side): waiting for the final plate to connect inner and outer conductor)










Reflector: inside the inner conductor








17 November 2005: Reflector installed on test bench in BA7








18 November 2005: 180 kA double pulses for reflector tests











18 November 2005: Reflector test successful










30 November 2005: double valve system to switch cooling circuit on reflector