- Project Description
- 2006
- Doors
and Keys in the CNGS facility
- 2004
- Report of the CNGS Review
Committee (June 2004)
- 2004
progress report 2004,
L. Bruno et al., AB-Note-2004-063-CNGS
- 2004
- An updated calculation of
neutron fluence in the CNGS first muon pit,
A. Ferrari, A. Guglielmi, P.R. Sala
- 2003
- CNGS layout and systems: a
L. Bruno et al., AB-Note-2003-060-CNGS (June 2003)
- 2003
- Report of the CNGS Review
Committee (May 2003)
- 2002
- CNGS muon monitoring: Why
do we need both muon detector stations at the start-up of the CNGS
neutrino beam?
- A.E. Ball et al., note
CERN-SL-2002-040 EA
- 2002
- Report of the CNGS
External Review Committee, with comments by the CNGS project team
(February / April 2002)
- 2002
- Update of changes to CNGS
layout and parameters,
- M. Cl�ment et al., note
- 2001
- CNGS: Effects of possible alignment errors,
- A.E. Ball et al.,
CERN-EP-2001-037/CERN-SL-2001-016 EA
- 2000
- CNGS: Update on secondary beam layout,
- A.E. Ball et al., SL-Note-2000-063 EA
- 2000
- General Description of the CNGS project
- 1999
- The CERN Neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS)
(Addendum to report CERN 98-02, INFN/AE-98/05), R. Bailey et al., CERN-SL/99-034(DI),
- 1998
- The CERN Neutrino beam to Gran Sasso
(Conceptual Technical Design), Ed. K. Elsener, CERN 98-02, INFN/AE-98/05
- 1992
- CERN Beams for Long
Baseline Neutrino Experiments, A. Ball et al., CERN SL/Note 92-75 (BT)