


End of CNGS run


8th NBI2012 workshop at CERN


First tau-neutrino candidate detected

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Project Organization:  Secondary Beam WG, Project Team, Technical WG, Commissioning WG

Decay Tube: Installation completed  -  16 March 2004

The last portion of decay tube, a short piece carrying the connection flange for the entrance window, was installed in the CNGS target chamber on 16 March 2004. The final 5.5 metres of decay tube are sticking into the downstream end of the target chamber - this will be the only section of the 998 metre long tube to be painted (on the outside).

The installation was started on 18 November 2003. The pictures below are showing the "standard" journey of the 6 metre long sleeves from arrival on the work site to the welding and concreting in the decay tunnel. Other pictures taken during the last days of the works are available.

The next steps consisted in installing the (definitive) exit window on 25 March, and the (provisional) thick window on the entrance side, in the target chamber on 1 April 2004. The decay tube is now ready for the vacuum test, which will take most of the month of April 2004.

tube_on_surface.jpg (275864 bytes) 6 metre long sleeves arriving on the work-site

lowering tube in PGCN.jpg (191490 bytes) Lowering the sleeves in the civil engineering pit PGCN

transport tube in TAG41.jpg (151126 bytes) Transport through the access gallery TAG41

workshop in TCC4.jpg (215155 bytes) Welding and testing: workshop in the target chamber TCC4

tube in decay tunnel before concreting.jpg (267444 bytes) In the decay tunnel, before concreting

tube after completion of concreting.jpg (251667 bytes) After concreting

inside decay tube.jpg (240550 bytes) Inside the finished decay tube, view towards the hadron stop